What is a Nutmeg Nominated Book?
A committee of librarians, teachers and students meet on a regular basis to read and decide on their favorite ten books to be nominated for the Connecticut Nutmeg Book Award.
There are Intermediate Nutmeg books intended for students in grades 4-6 and Elementary Nutmeg books for students in grades 2-4.
Students who read at least two Nutmeg nominated books can vote for their favorite in May of that school year.
Grade 5 Nutmeg Book Bowl
The Nutmeg Book Bowl is a voluntary reading project for students in grade 5. Students form teams of 3-5 students and as a team read all ten Nutmeg nominated books (Connecticut's book award). Students work together to complete graphic organizers and take a group test. The four highest scoring teams will advance to the Nutmeg Book Bowl.
The Nutmeg Book Bowl will consist of judges asking teams questions related to each of the ten books. There will be one final winning team. All students who took the group test will take part in a celebration of all their hard work this spring.
Official Nutmeg Book Award Site