Having fun on the playground
Having fun at Cookies in the Courtyard
kids having fun on the playground!
kids having fun on the playground!
kids having fun on the playground!
Staff helping at the Ice Cream Social
Kids having fun at Cougar Club Day
Students artwork in the hallway at Gainfield.
Our 2 school mascots at the Gainfield Gathering.
Chalk heart of GES
5th Graders at the Parade

Welcome to Gainfield Elementary School


Gainfield has a rich tradition of helping students achieve their highest potential while simultaneously creating a caring community of learners in this school. We help our students along their path to success by having them “follow the T.R.A.C.K.S.” - Trust, Respect, Accountability, Cooperation, Kindness, and Safety. These traits are foundational for creating habits of good citizenship. By working and learning together, Gainfield staff members and students create a community where everyone is happy and respected.

School Calendar

School News